Monterey School Conversion

Municipality: District of Oak Bay

The Opportunity

Monterey Elementary School was constructed in the early 1900’s on Monterey Avenue and served the surrounding Oak Bay neighbourhood for many decades.  In the early 21st century, changing demographics necessitated converting the historic elementary school into a middle school. 

The Approach

Westbrook Consulting Ltd. provided Civil Engineering services for the school conversion. The services provided included the detailed design of new sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water services to the building, as well as the detailed design of a new parking lot on the south side of the school.

In order to complete the detailed design, Westbrook utilized water network modelling to confirm available fire flows for the school. Additionally, Westbrook performed an investigation using historic record drawings and modern day video inspection of existing gravity sanitary sewer and storm sewer services leaving the building in order to locate the position of the services on school grounds.

Westbrook Consulting also coordinated with the architectural design team for the project in ordered to resolve logistical challenges of upgrading the school building and services while elementary school classes were in session.

The Result

The project was completed in time for the start of middle school classes in late August of 2007.

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