220 Cook Street

Municipality: City of Victoria
Key Personnel:

Kyle Stubbs, Phil Cerrer

The Opportunity

A new 5 storey mixed-use condominium with underground parking is currently under construction in the heart of Cook Street Village at the intersection of Cook Street and Oliphant Avenue.  The development consists of 48 residential units and over 400 square meters of commercial space. 

The Approach

Westbrook Consulting provided design and construction inspection services for new sewer, water, and storm drain connections to the site. Westbrook was also responsible for the design of new frontage works, including the redesign of the existing municipal laneway on the west of the site. 

As a condition of the development, the existing lane was to be widened to provide the primary access to the site. The underground parkade for the development was designed to be constructed over the entire site, which resulted in a conflict with the required lane widening.  The conflict was resolved through the creation of a new right of way over the parkade to allow the remainder of the laneway to be constructed. The design of the laneway proved difficult because, as the lane approached the intersection with Oliphant Avenue, the base gravels under the half of the lane over the parkade reduced in depth.  Several design concepts and iterations were requested by the City to ensure that another design was not feasible to increase the depth of base gravels. 

Existing fiber optic cable on Cook Street also proved very difficult to work around as it was installed only inches below the existing ground.  The City requested that the existing cable be properly protected and lowered in conjunction with this project.  

The Result

The project started construction in the fall of 2017 and was completed in 2020

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