Burnside Gorge Community Centre
The Opportunity
The City of Victoria redeveloped a former brown field site into a 1400 square meter community centre alongside Cecilia Ravine Park.
The Burnside Gorge Community Centre incorporated innovative and sustainable features to make it eligible to achieve LEED silver accreditation.
The community centre was commissioned by the City of Victoria to be designed to integrate the building and site into the adjacent riparian, aquatic, and parkland spaces.
The Approach
The building features a green roof that was planted with species of various wildflowers and grasses commonly found within local Garry Oak ecosystems.
Westbrook Consulting was the civil engineer of record for the LEED® project, providing detailed design for the storm water management, site servicing, and site grading for the community center.
A challenge of the project involved managing storm water runoff adjacent to the sensitive Cecelia Creek water course. Westbrook Consulting used Best Management Practices to provide an innovative storm water design. The final design utilized a combination of permeable pavers, infiltrating bio swales, and storm water detention and infiltration galleries to treat and detain runoff from the site prior to its entry into Cecelia Creek.
The Result
The project was completed in 2008.
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