Goldstream Meadows
The Opportunity
Goldstream Meadows was a multi-year project that involved the re-development of the old Amy Road Gravel Pit into a multi-use subdivision.
The Approach
Westbrook Consulting provided project management and prime consultant services as well as detailed design and construction period services for all site servicing.
The first phase of the project saw the creation of 12 light industrial lots. During the first phase, a new intersection was also created at the Trans Canada Highway and Westshore Parkway connection. The intersection is fully signalized and now permits traffic to travel from the Trans Canada Highway across the E & N Railway tracks to Langford Parkway and to Sooke Road further to the south.
The largest of the Phase 1 lots was designated for the new Sysco Foods’ Vancouver Island food warehouse. Sysco’s unique size and servicing requirements meant that a 250 mm watermain had to be extended to service the Sysco site.
Careful planning of lot grading was essential to the subdivision road design and overall development. The 200 year flood plain elevation from nearby Langford Lake was taken into consideration, as well as two existing ponds on the site and their respective capacities and flood levels in the design of the overall storm water management system.
Two lengthy corrugated steel multi plate arch culverts were constructed during Phase 1. One crossed Langford Creek and required fisheries approval prior to construction. The other culvert carried Westshore Parkway across a trunk watermain into Greater Victoria and was necessary due to extremely constraining adjacent soil conditions.
Subsequent phases of the project have included the further extension of Westshore Parkway southward as well as warehouse / industrial buildings, a modular home site and a future lakeside townhouse / condominium development.
The Result
Phase 1 of the project was completed in 2006. The Westshore Parkway extension and the first two industrial buildings were completed in 2007. The modular home site was constructed in phases beginning in early 2008.
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