Midtown Park

Municipality: District of Saanich
Key Personnel:

Bruce Crawshaw, John Stein

The Opportunity

Midtown Park is a five storey 43 unit condominium building, located at the corner of Cloverdale Avenue and Inverness Road, adjacent to Rutledge Park in the District of Saanich.

The Approach

Westbrook Consulting provided the detailed design for site servicing, grading, and storm water management. Westbrook was also involved with the design of several Low Impact Development features such as the permeable paver parking lot and rainfall runoff storage for use in irrigation, as well as the preparation of the erosion and sediment control plan for the construction of the project.

Unique features incorporated in the project include a terraced rain garden adjacent to the intersection, as well as the retention of rainfall runoff for use in irrigation during the drier months.

Due to the sloping of the site, challenges included site grading of the parking area, circular driveway entrance, and the rain garden. The grading challenges were overcome by close coordination with the architect to adjust floor elevations at the entry way, as well as the incorporation of the design of wheelchair ramps for improved accessibility and the creation of terraces within the rain garden.


The Result

The condominium was the first in the District to be constructed under the new allowance within the building code for six storey wood frame structures and was awarded the 2014 Excellence Award by the Victoria Real Estate Board. The building included several green initiatives including a geothermal system, light pollution reduction, and erosion and sediment control during construction.

The project was completed in 2014.

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