BMW Victoria

Municipality: City of Victoria
Key Personnel:

Mike Wignall

The Opportunity

Westbrook Consulting provided Civil Engineering Services for the construction of the new BMW and Mini Victoria Dealership at 95 Esquimalt Road in the City of Victoria.

The Approach

The site was previously used as a food distribution warehouse and consisted of fill material from historic filling activities that occurred several decades prior. Portions of the fill material were determined to contain contaminants and it was recommended by the project’s Environmental Consultant that no fill material was to leave the site.

As a result, the Westbrook parking lot design was carefully balanced such that no material needed to leave the site.

The storm water runoff from the site required treatment in an environmentally responsible manner, therefore Westbrook designed a rain garden for the lower end of the site.

Roadworks along both frontages of the site were required and the design had to be closely coordinated with the City of Victoria in order to link with both the current and future road configurations near the Johnson Street Bridge. There was also a significant amount of concrete encased telecommunications conduits and infrastructure that needed to be accommodated in the road design.

The Result

The project work started in early 2011. Construction commenced in the summer of 2011 and was completed in time for the opening of the new dealership in early 2012.

At Westbrook, we pride ourselves on delivering quality service that provides peace of mind for our clients…

…because your success is our success.

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