
Municipality: City of Langford
Key Personnel:

Mike Wignall, Kevin Hossack

The Opportunity

Westbrook Consulting provided Civil Engineering services for the Waterstone project at the corner of Jacklin Road and Sooke Road in the City of Langford. The project consisted of the construction of four buildings containing a total of 125 of residential units and 1020 m2 of commercial space.

The Approach

Westbrook Consulting’s role in the project included topographic survey, design and construction inspection services for civil works both on and offsite. Included in the detailed design was storm water management, site grading and frontage improvements along both Sooke Road and Jacklin Road.

Design investigations for the initial phases of the project commenced in 2007. Preliminary servicing concepts were generated and a large storm water dentition/infiltration rock pit was designed and constructed for the disposal of all storm water generated by the first phase of the project.

The pre-development topographic conditions brought about the requirement for detailed site grading.  The grading was designed to ensure safe access was provided from the sloped portion of Jacklin Road and appropriate grades and clearances were maintained in locations where the onsite roadways connected with Sooke Road at the low side of the site.

A unique aspect of the project was, while the site and Sooke Road frontage were located within the City of Langford, the Jacklin Road works fell on the border of the City of Colwood and the City of Langford. Close coordination was required between the engineering departments of both Cities to ensure the required frontage works aligned.  The local Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure was also involved as Sooke Road still serves as a provincial highway.

The Result

Construction of the four phases of the project started in late 2007 and finished in late 2012.

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